Monday, June 15, 2020

Forté Foundation Upcoming Events

The Forte Foundation, an organization dedicated to educating and directing talented women toward leadership roles in business, is having an excellent series of events for prospective MBAs called the MBA Value Proposition. These events, which aim to encourage women to pursue careers in business, will take place around the world in September and October. September 14th Washington, D.C. September 15th Atlanta September 21st San Francisco September 22nd Los Angeles September 23rd Chicago September 29th New York I September 30th New York II October 1st Boston Attend a Forum in a city near you to: Connect with admissions representatives from leading MBA institutions in a non-competitive, supportive setting. Interact with MBA women who have their MBAhear their story, what made them decide to pursue an MBA and how they balance their personal and professional lives. Learn about the career opportunities enabled by an MBA degree beyond the traditional finance. career paths. Youll hear from women with a wide range of perspectives, working in very diverse industries. Gain valuable information about Fort Fellowships, financing your MBA, taking the GMAT, what you need to do to prepare for the application process and much more. Register now online to reserve your spot. In partnership with the World MBA Tour, Fort will be hosting a pre-fair alumnae panel on Women In Leadership in the following cities: Toronto Sept. 13; Houston Oct. 1. Also, in partnership with The MBA Tour, Fort will host women in business panels in the following cities: Paris Sept. 19; London Sept 20; Calgary Nov. 10; Vancouver Nov. 12; Toronto Nov. 14.Forte is devoted to substantially increasing the number of women business leaders.